• "Feels Like I've Been Hit by Cupid" Coffee Mug (White)

  • "Nursing Student Tears" Coffee Tumbler

  • "You Make My Heart Skip a Beat" Folder

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Check out some of our lectures!

  • Pediatric Blood Pressure Chart

    Normal ranges for blood pressure can vary based on your pediatric patient's age. They can be tough to remember! Screenshot this flash card to your phone so you can have it handy when you're studying!

  • Airborne Precautions

    Here are some summarized tips for the nurse caring for a patient on airborne precautions (including the type of disorders that would require these precautions). Trust me, you will be tested on this information. Here's a little help. :)

  • Hyponatremia VS Hypernatremia

    To pair with our "Sodium Imbalances" video, we have a set of flashcards to describe the contrast of symptoms seen in patients with Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia. This, however, is only flash card 1 of 2. Click the link below to see the rest!

  • Seizures "DOs & DON'Ts"

    Seizures can be frightening, and seeing your patient have one for the first time can be a puzzling situation. Our "DOs & DON'Ts" seizure flash cards will tell you everything you should and should not do when your patient has a seizure. Click the link below to see all 3!

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Here are just some of our most popular flash cards loved by nursing students. All of our flashcards are available for free on our Youtube Channel under the "Community" tab. Screenshot them to your phone and use them as a reference when you are studying! Click on the button below to check them out!

  • Swift Notes Publishing

    Swift Notes is a company that sells clinical references for healthcare workers and healthcare students. Use my promo code "N2N10" for 10% off!

  • Med MotivatEM

    MotivatEM is a company that invented the new and improved "stethoscope holder". Use my promocode "NURSING2NURTURE" for 20% off!

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